Dec 20, 2014


Last saturday, waking up at 4.30 AM sbb dgar bising2 kt luar... FYI, wake up at 3/4 AM is normal in our house; ibu mmg bkak kdai awl klu byk order tp bising2 mmg x normal... I usually don't even realised ibu already left the house.. dengar ibu nangis.. teesedu-sedu.... Ahh this is weird... Really need to check it out...

Ayah terlanggar Bang Chik... Biasa lh pukul 4 kn gelap lgi, mana nk nmpk kucing kt tayar... Alhamdulillah terlanggar skit je.. smpat brek.. klu x, innalillah lh jwb nye.. still, he get hurt... Muntah darah.. luaran mmg xde pape... xde patah kaki or luka but keluar darah means dlm teruk lh kn...  mana lh ibu x nangis teruk pgi2... Ayh angkt dia, letak tpi rumah... Mmg x bergerak smpai tgah hari... Then ble blik dr kdai, nmpk dia dh gerak skit, alhamdulillah.. ptg trus bwak g klinik... Before blik hari ahd, dia dh ok... Dh main2 kt luar... Alhamdulillah...

Bang Chik mmg special pn dlm rmh.. all cat are special but he got different story... Rumah, mmg xde bela kucing pn.. de pn yg dtg2 je... Tp 1 hari, ibu or my sis jmpe kucing siam. Org buang sbb mata x nmpk.. de sawan skali tp mse mula2 mmg xtau lh. Tau mata je... Bwak blik rmh.. jaga elok2... Then after few months got a baby.. 4 ekor... Tp sume mati, tggl sekor je... Bang Chik lh tu... Kucing siam aka Gemok mmg xnmpk... De skali tu, hilang seminggu sbb xtau jln balik rmh... Alhamdulillah jmpe semula... Tp ble dh jmpe blik, dia x igt Bang Chik dh... Dh lupa bau ank so x peduli langsung psal Bang Chik... Tumbesaran Bang Chik terbantut... Bsar tu je.. Kak Long bwak g klinik, bg mkn ubt sume... Nxt time balik, dh x knal dh sbb dh bsar sgat... Kak Long & Ibu mmg jaga sgat Bang Chik sbb tu rse affectionate sgt dgn Bang Chik..  so it's normal for them to cry if anything happen to it..yg jmpe sekali, dua sebulan ni pn rse syg sgat kot...

Up to today, ibu dgn Kak Long x ckp pape pn psal Bang Chik so i assume he is okay..... I hope so....

Dec 2, 2014


Waking up with heart ready to be scolded and body ready to be tired but don't know it will be this tiring...

I got meeting today... With everything done in rush, i know i will be scolded... For sure.. but it's okay... Alrdy prepare my heart & mind for that... but right now,  22:30 pm, i still waiting for my turn...

We got two team... Alrdy informed that another team will discuss first but still, i got here on 15:30pm, coming together with another team.. expecting their meeting to last for 2-3 hour so our team can take turn after maghrib.. but now is 22:32 and they are no done yet... They have several thing to discuss... Several area too... Ahh we are done... Really... These meeting need to be done today.. another day is not accepted... The Q are, what time will we start our meeting??? what time it will finish??? Got several issue to discuss b4 they start with my account... Ahh i'm tired... Can't think right.... Can't answer right too... Too sleepy too... Can somebody please save me...

Extra note : i wish this meeting done in my office so i can at least take a nap or even sleep while waiting... I will have a deep sleep in that 7 hr of waiting...

Extra extra note : i'm tired... Can't think right... Forgive my babbling... I will appreciate it if someone can save me....

Extra Extra Extra Mental Breakdown : i don't even get in the meeting room that night... just wasting my 8 hours with waiting.. just done my meeting today (03.12.2014)... Alhamdulillah nothing much happen.....
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