Oct 21, 2011



bosan!!! rasa bosan giler..xtau nk bt pe..walaupun mggu dpan test berderet-deret still xde feel nk study..ape nk bt yerk...tgah on9 pn bosan, klu x on9 cmne plakyerk..mungkin saya patut balik n join adik2 tgok bola..that might be a good thing to do rather than duk mcm org bodoh, m'cari-cari ape nk bt...saya seriously tersangat lh bosan..rasa cm nk giler dihimpit kebosanan...ngee what to do?? somebody tell me?? saya pn xtau pe yg sye tulis..it comes out from the boredness...


Mar 19, 2011


Pjam celik, pjam celik, I’m already 23..is it true???x blh plak xnk p’caye kn….ALHAMDULILLAH ALLAH S.W.T pnjg kn umr smpai m’cecah 23 thun….tapi b’tmbh nye 1 thun b’mksud b’tmbh nye tanggungjwab…

Ble d renung2 blik 1 thun yg dh b’lalu, I can’t even remember what a wise thing that I done….have I done anything good???klu ada pn rse nye blum ckup byk lg..blum ckup b’kesan lg dlm hdup…that’s means this year of life I have to do something wise with my life…xde lh buat bnde yg sme je spnjg thun kn..mesti de something…tapi….pe yerk???can’t even think now..haha…. but I will figure it out later..

Pepun to all family-ibu, ayah, k.long, k.cha, tatiey, bang mi n adik n also all relatives…thanks for every good days we share n 4 the wish of course….love u all very much….

To friends-koteng, ieyna, lynda, ijad, ieyta, lila, wani, miza, ano, ziela,yus, nad, nadia, andi , hafiz, k.akma,ayu, shafa, dija, misa, nissa and sume lh yg wish…thanks a lot….u coloured my life with great moment..thanks for being with me through good n hell….you’re the best…..

Wish me the best for the coming year…and most importantly MAY GOOD BLESS ME 4 ever….inshaaallah….amin…..

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